Charming, especially if you love dogs in general and Dobies in particular.
15 September 2018
This sequel to the low budget heist flick "The Doberman Gang" picks up right where the previous film left off. The five dogs who survived that movie are now on the loose in the wilderness, and three enterprising buddies figure out a way to make the dogs come to them. Naturally, they're not satisfied with helping themselves to the remaining funds from the bank robbery. They get greedy. They then take a substantial amount of their ill-gotten gains and use it to fund a scheme to train the dogs for another robbery - this time, they'll steal a politicans' campaign funds.

This is a pretty winning formula. It being mostly family friendly, it comes complete with an adorable Indian boy, Billy (Claudio Martinez), who keeps coming around because he loves the dogs so much. (Apparently, he doesn't have much to do to occupy himself on his reservation.) This spells trouble for Steve (Charles Robinson, "The Brotherhood of Satan"), Warren (Tim Considine, "Patton"), and Greg (David Moses, "Scared to Death"). Making matters worse is what a disagreeable creep Steve turns out to be, taking advantage of the politicans' secretary (Miss Joan Caulfield, "Dear Ruth") and being abusive towards the well-meaning kid.

Of course, you root for the heist to go smoothly not really because of the men pulling the strings; you're rooting for these incredibly bright, engaging, extremely well-trained canines to pull off the whole thing. They're always fun to watch. The human cast is good (keep an eye out for prominent character actors George "Buck" Flower and Richard Stahl in bits), but the Dobermans ARE the true stars.

Unpleasant at times, but overall a fun, breezy heist flick with a twist, just like the first film.

Followed by "The Amazing Dobermans" (starring Fred Astaire!).

Seven out of 10.
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