The Gift (VI) (2015)
The sins of the past
30 August 2018
In this movie, married couple Simon and Robyn (played by Golden Globe Winner Jason Bateman and Golden Globe Nominee Rebecca Hall) are happy and healthy, until an old acquaintance from his past named Gordo (played by Golden Globe Nominee and director of the film Joel Edgerton). Gordo seems nice at first, but when Simon is suspicious of his motives, things get twisted really fast and past secrets are revealed. Simon and Robyn have to decide: is the past in the past or are some sins too unforgivable for forgiveness?

You should really go and watch the film! It is a beautiful thriller that has an awesome twist for an ending, but I won't spoil it! First off, I gotta give props to Jason Bateman; known mostly for his comedic roles, he decides to switch it up here for dramatic effect and it works! Hopefully he does more dramatic work alongside his comedic roles. Rebecca Hall is also great too as the woman who questions everything she thought she knew about the one person closest to her.

But let's face it, if anybody deserves the applause the most, it's Edgerton. As I stated before, not only does he play Gordo, but he is also director and writer for this film. Is this really his first film behind the camera? Because if it is, then it's a strong start for him! Sometimes when a director plays a main character on screen, it can come off as vain, but not here. Edgerton wisely chose another male to take the lead role (Bateman, in this case) and he relishes playing Gordo, the man who seems nice but actually has deeper motives. He knows the character more than anybody and I would be interested in seeing some sort of followup with his character!

All in all, it's a great movie! Go and watch it!
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