It's not the years; it's the mileage
23 August 2018
You could pretty much say the same thing about this movie. Although over 30 years old, this movie holds up incredibly well to today's standards: fun, action packed, exciting, with a bit of religiosity in it (you'll see what I mean when I tell you the plot summary). This is everything that you could possibly want in an Indiana Jones flick.

I know that pretty much everybody here has seen the film, but for those of you who are living under a rock, here is what it's all about: Indiana Jones (played to perfection by the legendary Harrison Ford, a man who's made his career in playing grizzled action heroes), an archaeology professor, sets off to find the lost ark of the covenant - the ark which was supposed to hold the broken pieces of the tablets which had the ten commandments on them (like I said, religiosity). He travels with his love interest Marion (the best female sidekick of the series, played immensely well by Karen Allen) to Egypt to dig it up, but his old nemesis Rene Belloq and a whole bunch of Nazis are also searching for the ark in their pursuit of power.

Okay, do I really need to say how amazing this movie is? It's a classic! Harrison Ford is known for playing heroes such as Han Solo from the Star Wars franchise and Rick Deckard from the Blade Runner franchise; here he plays possibly the world's greatest adventurer and he seems to really love the part. While I have also mentioned Karen Allen's performance, I must also give a nod to Paul Freeman for convincingly playing an evil archaeologist whose lust for power is not healthy to say the least. All of the other supporting players do superb jobs as well.

But you can't review this movie and not give credit to the two men who are responsible for getting it made: Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. What's to say about Spielberg? This is the guy who made Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, etc. When it comes to directors...heck, when it comes to movies...he is the guy who changed the game forever. And as for George Lucas, say what you want about his Star Wars prequels, but he was the one who introduced us to a galaxy far far away. Simply put, these are two of the greatest storytellers of all time.

I think I've said enough. Now go and watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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