Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2017)
Yep, it is a Sleeping With The Enemy remake.
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so yes, this is beat for beat the same story as Sleeping With The Enemy. But damn it, it's a highly watchable remix. This is, by far, not the only redo of that story that has ever been put to celluloid. I'm not just talking about Safe Haven and Enough either, Bollywood has been remaking this movie for a couple decades now. This version of the plot has more in common with the Bollywood interpretations than it does with the original version, in that it shows the perspective of the abusive husband from the very beginning and it has less suspense and more melodrama. I did feel sorry for Madison and I did like Chelsea and find Alex to be an appealing love interest (and on that note, hello Taye Diggs!) I did find it strange when Madison went to so much trouble to disappear only to move less than an hour's drive away. I also simultaneously laughed my ass off and screeched in outrage when the husband's creepy 'towels and pantry' moment got turned into 'he peed while she was in the shower and then left the toilet seat up, that motherfu-'. If you have a soft spot in your heart for melodrama that occasionally gets unintentionally hilarious, check out this movie. If you don't like remakes as a general rule, you might not like this movie (I love them, though and I liked it).
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