"Ant-Man and the Wasp" just leaves too little of a impact
8 July 2018
Ant-Man had a complicated beginning when it first came out in 2015. While it was credited to be one of the lightest and airy of the MCU films, at the same time it suffocated under the shadow of its other game changers the released before it. And after Avengers: Infinity War, I felt like Ant-Man and the Wasp would be a nice time to take a breather after the events of the film.

The film takes place shortly after Captain America: Civil War, where Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is in house arrest from those events. Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lily) reaches out for him to help them find her mother who they believe is still in the Quantum Realm after many years.

This film made me appreciate Paul Rudd's personality and his charisma that he brings to his character. Hope is given a solid majority of the runtime to show off her range of emotions and ability to fight back and prove her strength. Michael Pena makes a return and brings all the likable things he offered in the original despite not really providing much to the plot like last time.

While after having villains like Killmonger and Thanos proving that better villains were coming to the MCU, Ghost in this movie comes to break that hot streak. While she has interesting powers, her motivation feels a bit too complicated. Also there's another villain unrelated to Ghost that feels more like a road block than a actual threat. There's one impactful moment in the end that feels rushed and never explained how or why it's even possible, which is strange given everything else in the movie is over explained.

The conflicting feeling I have for Ant-Man bled over into Ant-Man and the Wasp. While I credit the film for its smaller scale and breezed tone, I feel like it gets drowned out by just not leaving as much of a emotional impact as they should. It's never a bad film, it just sometimes feels too till you almost don't see it in the bigger picture.

By the way, your REALLY going to want to stay for the mid-Credits scene for this one.

Rating: 6.4 / 10
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