Baby Geniuses (1999)
About as awful as you'd think
21 April 2018
This is one of the most legendary bad movies ever made. It's become iconic with how terrible it is. The good news is that at least it isn't worse than what most people say. The downside is that that's still very low. There was ONE good joke in this movie about how they make the police come to Babyco and that's IT. This was made by the director of "A Christmas Story" and it just so happens this one takes place around Christmas too.

This movie tells the story about these evil scientists who discover that babies have their own language. After awhile, they "cross over" and lose all of their genius. The most insane thing is that there is one scene where a baby is actually able to speak intelligible English as babies apparently know every language out there or somewhere. A main conflict is that they can't talk to their parents, even though they SHOWED that they could speak the same language as adults! Babies are apparently also able to hypnotize adults in their sleep. You have to admit that is completely stupid.

In about six minutes, they literally say "Diaper gravy" four times and there is absolutely no variant said at all. This is easily the worst movie for Channel Awesome Month and it's a shame it came out shortly after "The Big Lebowski". That's a better movie to show to your kids and that has over 200 f-bombs in it! There's like six minutes of nothing but babies just jumping around as they are apparently training. There's a baby that wanders onto the road with cars and nobody notices, yet when the baby wears a disguise on the street, somehow everyone notices him. It's hard to even believe this movie even exists, as I couldn't see how anyone would ever find this entertaining. 1/2*
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