As Barry Manilow sings, 'Bermuda Triangle Very bad!'.
31 March 2018
Directed by prolific Mexican exploitation film-maker René Cardona Jr., The Bermuda Triangle is a dull supernatural thriller that attempts to cash in on the mysterious phenomenon supposedly responsible for the strange disappearance of numerous aircraft, boats and ships.

Starring a slumming-it John Huston, Mexican B-movie actor Hugo Stiglitz, Bond girl Claudine Auger, and stunning blonde Euro-babe Gloria Guida, the film centres around a family pleasure cruise that experiences strange occurrences after the youngest daughter takes possession of a doll found floating in the sea. A mysterious fog-bank, a sudden storm, a sea-quake and a series of bizarre fatal accidents subsequently befall the occupants of the Black Whale III.

Like the family's boat, the plot goes nowhere, adrift in a sea of half-baked ideas. Cardona is unable to inject any life into proceedings, and his cast can do little with the directionless script. It comes as no surprise that, with the stranded passengers and crew whittled down to a handful of survivors, Cardona Jr. wraps up his film with a dumb Twilight Zone-style twist that fails to provide any answers.

3.5 out of 10, rounded down to 3 for the senseless harpooning of three sharks that were happily minding their own business.
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