The Punisher (2005 Video Game)
Punishing Evil
23 March 2018
This is one of my favorate video games but also one of my favorate comic book video games. I'm a fan of the comic book series "The Punisher" and I love the fact that finally we have another game based on the Punisher franchise which never seems to be focused much in the video game department (along with several other figures in Marvel). From the 2004 film that came out (which I personally like) and with some of the video games and content in the PS2 era it was the perfect time for this game to surffice. Though you could also say in a way this game is a spiritual sequel/continuum of the 2004 Punisher film which sadly never had a sequel, so if you want you could count this game.

The graphics are soild, their nothing really spectacular but they serve their purpose well as they bring to life the dark grity world Frank inhabits where evil comes in all walks of life and are at every turn. I even like the character models mainly the character Frank Castle/The Punisher whom looks just right a little from the past run to the recent version.

Voice acting is great there is a pretty good voice acting cast like Steve Blum one of my favorate voice actors he does "Bullseye", "Daredevil", etc. And of course Thomas Jane from the 2004 film, Thomas Jane for the record is my second favorate version of Frank Castle/The Punisher his voice just fits like a glove for the character in this game it really feels like that what Frank would sound like in the comics. Thomas plays the usual cool intensity but in the game you can hear his voice has became more grit and hardness which makes sense as the character has been doing this for a long time which can weight down on a person.

But of course what really makes the game for me is in the gameplay and story. The story is well done it's simplistic Punisher fare but I wouldn't want it any other way, and takes a little from some of the past runs of the series but also some from the Garth Ennis run which is my favorate run and how I really got into the series. I really like as one thing leads to another the story intriguing develops and even like some of the dialog which has some memorable lines; this really gives the feeling of the comic book. What also inhaunces the feeling is some of the characters in Marvel that are involved in the story line like "Daredevil", "Black Widow", "Nick Fury" etc. which I thought was cool showing that Frank/The Punisher is part of the Marvel universe.

The gameplay is soild, it's some run and gun fare similar to "Max Payne" (well kinda) you have an assortment of weapons which you can only carry a limited amount so chose carefully and use them well. There is the RPG element where you get to purchise weapons to increase and upgrade your arsenal.

Each of the levels are well done and designed; the boss battles are soild despite only a few; one of the boss battles that stand out are the fight with "Bullseye" whom like in the comics is crazy as hell but is true to his name, I'll admit the fight against him is a bit tricky but fun all the same because your taking on a well known comic book villain, whom wouldn't want that.

And of course there are the interigation scenes which are in a twisted sense fun as you are putting the preasure on villans to make them spill their guts figuratively and literally. Your given the choice whether to kill them after the interigation or not, to me this is a matter of whether the punishment fits the crime. Though of course I pick the kill most of the time just to see the creative kills which this game has as much as a "Friday the 13th" film, I won't say what they are you have to see them for yourself.

Overall, if your a Punisher fan or even a fan of comic book video games then this is one to check out. The Punisher game hits the target or should I say several targets.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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