A failed attempt in every regard. Incredibly disappointing.
7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It took me 3 days to finish this movie. That alone should tell you everything you need to know, really...

This movie is not only shallow in regards to its plot, but manages to destroy everything that was good about 'Man of Steel' and 'The Dark Knight Trilogy'. Its mere existence stains these movies and their splendid portrayal of both Batman and Superman.

For the life of me, I can't relate to any of the characters nor their motivations in the mess of a film. It just makes no sense that Batman suddenly decides to take on Superman, that he brands him as the dangerous bad guy who might or might not be the end of the world. Honestly, the scene in which he was talking about how good, powerful people will or might, at one point, turn evil was ridiculous. Maybe he should have just eaten a bullet himself right then and there. Maybe he should just kill every single person on earth, because you never know who might turn out to be the next evil mastermind. Superman's motivation is no less incomprehensible. Weak motivation seems to be a theme with this movie...

Don't get me wrong, I really loved Batman in the 'The Dark Knight Trilogy', but the Batman portrayed here? Not so much--that is to say, not t all. He was unsympathetic and his motivation, his aggression towards Superman, was rather incomprehensible. Superman was somewhat more likable, but nevertheless I fail to be able to reconcile both Superman and Batman with their counterparts in the aforementioned movies. The writers, directors, producers--whoever--really didn't care about the franchise, didn't care enough to flesh out the characters, to build up a background story that would lead to the kind of animosity between Superman and Batman that they want to convey to the audience. There's just no compelling reason for them to fight each other in the first place! It's rushed. There's certainly no effort put into the storyline. It's just some good(ish) visuals, okay CGI effects and action scenes (although the fight scenes with Batman were terrible beyond belief) strung together that are trying very hard to distract the audience from the otherwise lackluster attempt at a movie. The disconnect in this movie is palpable.

And let's not even get into how Lex Luthor fits into all this. I'm still wondering about what he contributed to this particular movie, other than recognition value. Someone must be the supposed antagonist in a comic movie, I guess. This film's Lex Luthor is ridiculous and painful to watch beyond words. Hell, the Lex Luthor from the TV series 'Smallvile' was genius compared to this. Again, no explanation, no reason is delivered for his evil master plan of pitching Batman and Superman against each other. Dear DC people, take a look at 'Captain America: Civil War', take a look at Zemo and his motivation --that is how it's done. Because despite all my doubt regarding the whole 'let's make superheroes fight each other!' theme, it was done really well in Civil War.

Same with Wonder Woman--what was her purpose in this movie?? It really feels like they put DC characters willy nilly into this flick.

Of course, calling a movie 'Batman v Superman' and then have the main plot (I'm being generous calling it a plot) of the movie about another fight altogether in the end doesn't win any cookie points either. Furthermore, and I stand by this: no way would Batman ever manage to beat Superman! That's just stupid.

Also, why kill off Superman this early in their franchise?? I was under the impression that DC was trying to jump on the success train of the epic superheroes franchise that is the MCU.

How anyone can make such utter horse sh.... with that kind of budget is beyond me! Christian Bale did a very smart thing when turning down the offer to star as Batman once again!

The only good thing I can say about the movie is that I didn't spend any money on it and only watched it when it became available on Netflix.

Another reviewer summed it up pretty nicely, and I'm taking the liberty of borrowing their line: Not BvS, just BS!

Honestly, I'd much rather watch any given Marvel movie or series for the 100th time than suffer a 2nd time through this mess.
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