Death Wish (2018)
An original story much like how John Carpenter reimagined The Thing.
6 March 2018
And as Carpenter made it a much more entertaining movie not only in special effects but in the portrayal of human relationships, so does Eli Roth in Death Wish.

A doctor's motivation to preserving life as the hero makes more sense than Bronson's architect in stopping ruthless criminals who end life without hesitation with a police force already overwhelmed by gang violence in the city of Chicago.

Every little detail that drove the plot just made sense from the interesting use of smartphones and security cameras to political and racial discussions on vigilantism through media feeds on both sides of the political spectrum.

I felt this movie more cathartic for those on both sides of the gun control issue and what drives the recent school shootings. It also proposes scenarios how guns are acquired legally and illegally that I think very few consider in this debate. There are no mentally ill people shooting bad or good guys unless you consider Bruce Willis's doctor character as such.

This movie took me out of that mindset and just let me be entertained. A very well told story.
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