Star Trek: Enterprise: Cold Station 12 (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
Bond Villain-esque Ending
27 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Cold Station 12", the Augments infiltrate the facility holding the embryos of their unborn brethren using a hijacked Denobulan ship. The Enterprise pursues them with the help of Smike, a "handicapped" Augment who had been left behind by his brothers and sisters. Soong and the Augments take the medical staff aboard the facility hostage as they attempt to steal the embryos and leave the station. Archer and the gang transport in and are quickly captured. The Augments leave everyone for dead and they escape to warp as the episode ends.

Brent Spiner plays the role of Soong "the misunderstood genius who is attempting to better society but his logic if flawed" and he doed it well. His performance is hammy but I think the character needs this against the dark seriousness of the Augments whose almost sadistic approach to violence make them a menacing villain. Despite good character development, the plot leaves some to be desired.

This episode falls victim to the Bond villain trap trope of leaving the hero(es) to die an overly complex death instead of just taking care of it efficiently. There's no reason to give Archer and the others a way out but Malik surely does by releasing all the diseases but on a 5 minute time delay. It felt unbecoming of the hyper-intelligent Augments to make such a mistake.

I really enjoyed the performance of Richard Riehle as Dr. Lucas. He's the best part of this episode in his bit role. He acts all tough allowing his colleague to die instead of giving up the authorization codes but quickly crumbles when they threaten his buddy Phlox. Sometimes you just have to find the right leverage to make people cast aside their ideals.
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