Can't recommend this.
21 February 2018
This film was about 80% expository dialogue, 15% hammy drama and 5% action. The exposition part really drags the film down - scene after scene of two or three characters sitting or standing around explaining what's happening. I guess the editor realized this was too boring so he tried to mix things up by overlaying two expository scenes over one another (one sentence of one exposition, cut to one sentence of an "earlier" exposition, cut back to the first one, back and forth for on and on). This helps a little bit with the drag of the scenes but it also jerks the viewer between the sets confusingly. It also gets old quickly and it happens throughout the entire movie.

The hammy drama is unfortunately not entertaining enough. There seems to be only one group of actors who realized they're in a trashy sci fi with rubber monsters and acted accordingly (the prison buddies and antagonists that get about 5 minutes of screen time). All the other actors seem to think they are in the American Beauty and go for subtlety. The result is boring and a little jarring.

The action parts are actually good, but they are few and far between and they start and end abruptly as if they ran out of budget before they could properly complete them.

I don't recommend this movie. It's droning expository scenes will make your eyes glaze over and the people that made this were just competent enough to not make things unintentionally funny.
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