Review of Radius

Radius (2017)
Don't go in expecting Citizen Kane and you may be pleasantly surprised
17 February 2018
I took a flyer on this movie because the description looked interesting (and I also noted the guy from The Black List, which I'm a fan of, starred). I'm glad I did! The premise is one I don't recall ever having seen before and that was fun. If you give this a go try NOT to read the description because it'd be better to be trying to figure it out right along with the characters, but it won't ruin anything if you know going in.

I thought the acting was pretty good across the board and I very much appreciate the fact that it just jumps right in without any long setup work. Sometimes you absolutely need such setup work (and I'm always telling my impatient kids to give movies time to develop the story and characters) but in this case it works great to not have to get through it.

It's well-made from a technical standpoint and I don't think you'll have any complaints in that area.

As for complaints? The "twist" ending fell a little flat because as a writer myself I felt there was more interesting ways to go. That said, I wouldn't call it a bad ending, I think it works in the same sort of fatalistic way The Mist works (it's highly divisive, but I think The Mist is one of the best endings in movie history so you may want to use that as a guide to whether you're going to like this one or not - which is NOT to say they're identical or anything like that, I just mean in terms of tone). Whether you're let down or not I don't think you would be to the extent that it ruins the experience.

Really, for me, if you're expecting an all-time classic here then yeah, skip it because that's not what you're going to get. But, if you want a decent movie that I think will keep you interested throughout, is definitely on the dark side (something I like in movies) and that may surprise you a little bit in terms of story and in terms of how good it is then yeah, I think this is one to give a try. I for one liked it and have no problem recommending to others.
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