McMafia: Episode #1.5 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
Episode 1.5
28 January 2018
We know Kleiman is dangerous, not to be trusted. He has money, he has an involvement in a sex ring. Kleiman has made promises to Lyudmilla that has not materialised.

We see Kleiman confidently talking to investors and politicians about building casinos in Israel but Vadim is not taking the setback in Mumbai lying down. He gets revenge on Kleiman.

Ezra is an handsome young man and he is Kleiman's toyboy. After a lavish party Ezra claims Kleiman assaulted him and the police arrest Kleiman. He is humiliated with his sexuality becoming public.

Luckily Lyudmilla saw Ezra at the party with another man, when Alex finds out, he saves Kleiman but not before backing him into a corner and forcing him to do a deal with the Mexicans.

More intriguingly Alex and Vadim come face to face in this episode, it is like two wolves sizing each other up.

It is rather clear now that as lavish as McMafia is, it is moving too slowly. It might be to do with the co-producers who want more episodes and thus the series gets padded out.
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