Black Mirror: Crocodile (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
Decent, until the end
1 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Although not as innovative and thought provoking as past episodes of the show, i was invested in the plot throughout, till the very end...

My main problem with the episode (aside from the end - ill get to that in a bit) is that the technology being displayed doesn't depict any of the negative tendencies we've created with our over reliance to the digital world and is mainly used as a plot device to move the story along. The tech that they have created in past episodes of the show are usually items accessible to the general public and have some correlation to current devices that we use on a regular basis in the real world. The episode felt more like the plot for an hbo crime drama than a BM episode and although there were many scenes that could have been taken out, but werent to extend the run time, the great direction and decent acting kept me interested to see how the writer would twist up the story... and then the last 2 mins happened

Cmon a hamster... are you kidding me?

Every time the insurance lady used the memory machine, she would let the people smell a beer and played a song that would help jog their memory, one guy didnt even remember getting hit by the car! You mean to tell me that the hamster not only witnessed the murder, but had the mental capability to flawlessly recreate the murderers facial features that would help the cops identify her within minutes? I mean they literally caught her like an hour after she murdered the family, was the hamster traumatized by this event to the point where that memory was just playing over and over in its head?

Killing off the baby because he might have been a witness was ridiculous enough, but if she spared the child and was caught as a result of that, it would have still made more sense then a freakin hamster... I mean wouldn't the little pin that goes in your head to connect the machine be the equivalent of a lobotomy for the hamsters tiny brain? I dont want to go into the gritty details of this because it already sounds ridiculous enough on its own.

This is only the second episode ive seen in the fourth season so I cant legitimately judge it yet, but this is a pretty disappointing start. They should definitely bring back the director but Charlie Booker is starting to appear to be a fairly inconsistent writer.
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