Black Mirror: Crocodile (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
This is why I watch Black Mirror.
30 December 2017
Season 4 started off ok with USS Calliper. It didn't feel like Black Mirror as much as it did just another sci-fi flick though unfortunately. Episode two was a definite step in the right direction, and was overall fantastic. Crocodile, however, hurt to watch towards the end. I literally found myself sitting up in my chair and saying , "No. Please, they can't do this." It made me physically uneasy afterwards. And that, right there, is what I wanted from this show. We see a woman slowly throw out all morality in an effort to keep her name clean. What made this harder to watch was the fact that her actions are more than likely not too far off from what could actually happen in real life. This is one of my favorite episodes of Black Mirror so far, and I hope they put out more content like this, as terrible as that sounds.
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