The Walking Dead: How It's Gotta Be (2017)
Season 8, Episode 8
Despite the other Reviews, a great episode. *SPOILER FREE*
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers

First of all lets address the elephant in the room.

You will see most of the reviews blaming this episode based on it's Directing and Writing.

Word of advice *Wise words are following* DO NEVER Trust random people to give you their opinion on Directing / Writing or hell even acting. Most of them (a few years back myself included) have no clue how this sh*t works or what "Directing" actually is.

People will just hate an episode for -X- reasons and blame it on the Director/Actor/Writer (you get the picture). So no, judge it for yourself, NEVER trust people on that. And if you are one of those people who didn't like the episode for a specific reason, be honest. You don't need to lie to yourself or to anybody else. You are frustrated , sad , mad or whatever it is because you wanted things to go another way. Be honest. Don't blame it on the Director or the actors.


  • Acting was on point

  • Story-wise it was marvelous, a piece of art. Although we had just a few events that actually developed the story and the rest was just Action, other than that it was a piece of Art.

  • Direction was overall above average, with some pretty cool touches

  • Writing was okay

  • The pace was okay, definitely you could feel moments where they clearly tried to kill time to make it a 1 Hour long mid season Finale, and yea there were moments that had no actual purpose, but again, compared to the rest of the Walking Dead series or even this Season, it was definitely above average.

  • Character progression / development was cool , we actually saw many characters growing or/and developing emotionally in this episode (No it wasn't one of those "Long-Talks-for-no-reason" episodes, it was actually character development done right)

  • The atmosphere is top notch (the fact that most of the episode takes place at night Helps a lot)

  • It gives you the feel of a Major - Premium episode

  • Are there things I would change ? A lot and not just in this episode but in most of the Walking Dead episodes. It just doesn't feel as Premium / Detailed / High budget as lets say Game of Throwns. And yes even the writing/directing is a lot inferior if you compare it to this kind of Series. But lets say we had to be real and down to earth for a moment and actually compare it with what it actually is, a Walking Dead episode, hell it's pretty damn good, and probably one of the best (if not the best) Mid-Season Finales ever.
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