The Trouble With Harry
9 November 2017
If I were to choose just one, single word to best describe this "shaggy" comedy called Harry and the Hendersons (that's HATH, for short), that word would definitely have to be - "Cute".

Yeah. "Cute" pretty much sums up HATH to a "T".

It's plainly obvious that the audience which HATH is aimed at is, of course, children - But, what the heck - Can't a big kid at heart, like Dalbert Pringle here, enjoy being entertained by this thing, too? HATH's total appeal rests solely on the big, broad shoulders of the Harry character, who just happens to be the most adorable, and, yes, cutest Sasquatch that you're ever gonna set your peepers on.

Of course, Harry isn't particularly cute, or adorable, at first, though. No way.

To begin with, Harry is mainly a mean and ornery cuss, as only a bona fide Sasquatch (suddenly removed from his own environment) could possibly be expected to be. It's the Henderson's (especially George) who teach Harry about the rewarding benefits of cuteness and adorability, and, of course, the necessity of bathing.
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