Thor is a Colorful Ride Through the Cosmos
3 November 2017
While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created some great blockbuster highs, it has has its share of lows as well. The one superhero out of all the members who tends to get the short end of the stick is the God of Thunder himself Thor. While his debut film wasn't bad, it was filled with hit and miss cinematography and frankly a love story that was just unnecessary. And Thor: The Dark World...... i just act like that movie didn't happen at all. So Thor: Ragnarok had to inject some needed energy to catch up to his fellow peers.

In this film, we find Thor (Chris Helmsworth) searching for his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins), and comes across the Goddess of Death Hela (Cate Blanchett) who threatens Thor's homeland Asgard of Ragnarok, which means the extinction of their land. Most of the time Thor is exiled to Sakaar, a very eccentric land and comes across Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) as they find a way back home.

One thing I will admit is this is the first time a Thor movie put this much effort to keep you entertained. Tessa Thompson delivers a energized performance and I'm happy to see her getting recognition. Jeff Goldblum is just as lively who just bleeds a "Yas Queen" kind of personality every time he's on screen. Thor has a a character seems more relaxed and less like the macho character we got used to him being.

However, the film isn't without flaws. While there are moments where the cinematography can have great visual moments, there are certain shots that look very rushed blue screen edit. The villain, while she has a interesting backstory, doesn't really bring too much of a lasting impact like most Marvel movies tends to be. Also there's a relatively big thing in the 3rd act that happens ( i won't spoil i swear), but it happens so fast and the film rushes by it, that it doesn't feel as important as it feels like it should be.

Thor Ragnarok is a colorful cosmic ride, but still misses some lasting impact on certain points. If you have seen enough Marvel Cinematic Universe films, you know what to expect walking in and shouldn't be disappointed.

Rating: 7.4 / 10
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