Grave of the Fireflies (2005 TV Movie)
Grave of the Fireflys: Further emotional devastation
1 November 2017
This made for television live action remake of the 1988 Studio Ghibli classic Grave Of The Fireflies is fantastic and I simply didn't expect that.

The original anime was a masterpiece and one of the most emotionally devastating movies I'd ever seen. I didn't cry but I most certainly had something in my eye *Ahem* This faithful retelling of the story of Seita & Setsuko two orphans during World War II stands at an hour longer than the anime and makes good use of its time.

The main difference between this and the anime is that a lot more of the story revolves around their aunt and provides more of her side of the story. This benefited the film greatly, it gave it an identity of its own and really made me rethink the entire character and her motivations for what she did.

I'm not going to say this is as good as the anime because it simply isn't, but the very fact that a made for television movie came close really says something.

Despite the clear lack of budget the fantastic cast do wonders with the already outstanding material.

Many people have told me they're surprised that the US hasn't remade this yet, quite frankly I'm not. Do you really think that they are going to make a movie with an ending like that?

This is worth watching even if you've seen the anime but grab some tissues.

The Good:

Really presents Hisakos side of the story well

Excellent cast

It's The Grave Of The Fireflies, nuff said

The Bad:

Lack of budget shows

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Chopsticks are used to pick up the bones from the cremated in Japan?!

Bombing raids will set houses on fire internally but do no structural damage

Seita is officially the firefly whisperer

People who think this isn't anti-war aren't looking hard enough
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