Holy Man (1998)
Not great, but good comedy that tries to make you think
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't watch this movie when it came out, but almost 20 years afterwards. When I remember what kind of comedies were popular back then, I think I understand why it didn't do well at the time.

But, it's a kind of movie that ages well, because it sticks to the basics. Don't take yourself too seriously, don't go overboard, have some fun and jokes and give people inspiration to think about their lives, including a nice example of how one should treat their friends and loved ones.

Of course it's not very realistic, it's a comedy, but you can't say it's bad just because you don't like _this_ kind of comedy. There are people that didn't like Julia Roberts' comedies, yet don't say those were bad.

Some of the complaints about this movie are kind of silly. Like complaining that "nothing ever happens", which is kind of the point. These people work on shopper TV channels. Did you ever watch these? Nothing ever happens, it's the same thing over-and-over-again. Also, "we don't know where G. came from, where he's going, what is his religion/belief system"... again, this is the point - it _doesn't_ matter. He's just a guy who chooses to believe in people, and gets by in life doing mostly OK and feeling good and happy. Sure, this is a little naive in the way it's portrayed, but, the general message is OK.

I do agree that Goldblum and Murphy should have worked better together, but, they do work to some degree. OTOH, Murphy and Preston work great, and if you're a "2.5 Men" fan, you'll see an interesting glimpse of future Alan Harper.

There are parts that are not very good, but there are parts that are very good (like the "you have 75 years" speech by G.). All-together, it's good and well worth the watch.
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