A beautiful and moving telling of the origins of Doctor Who.
18 October 2017
A special drama commissioned for the show's fiftieth anniversary, it shows the origins of Doctor Who, exactly how it came about. It tells the story of the show's conception, the casting, the bold decision of having a female producer, and the rise and fall of lead actor William Hartnell.

Hartnell is gloriously brought to life by David Bradley, he manages to create both William Hartnell and his interpretation of the first Doctor. At times the show feels like an homage to Hartnell, and rightly so, the show would have been nothing without him. How wonderful that Bradley will get the chance to play the first Doctor for real.

It's a hugely interesting show, especially for fans of Doctor Who like myself, I'm not too sure non fans would get it in quite the same way, there are so many references to the show's early years.

A wonderful job is done in recreating the give of the sixties, the costumes are superb, unfortunately some of the more unpleasant attitudes people had back then are also highlighted.

I think it shows how lucky we are that the great show is still going on our screens, and fans should support it even though the less successful times, it is a national treasure after all.

A superb drama. 10/10
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