Electric Dreams: Impossible Planet (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
@ Luki Pawluik
25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you read, what the original is about, you wouldn't say that Dick is a weak sci-fi-writer. This episode has changed much and made it much worse. First of, in the original earth is a myth, not a burned planet. It makes no sense to visit it a toxic planet, but not a burned one. Makes no difference. Second: there was no wacky, not plausible at all connection between Mrs. Gordon and Norton. Why the heck should he look like her grandpa, or even weirder: have memories of her grandma? And why would they suddenly be on earth for no reason? In the book, Mrs. Gordon and her robot go to the planet and die. Norton is disgusted by Andrews and gives him his fair share. They find a penny and know this really was earth, after all. So please, Luki, don't say Dick is a weak writer when the series producers team just messed this one up.
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