Colossal (2016)
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1) OK. Hathaway is a drunk girl that screws up her life because she is drunk and has to come back to her home town and restart her life. Then she meets the other drunk, Sudeikis.

2) Were they ever drunk? I don't know, I couldn't tell, the actors were not showing when they were or weren't drunk... Were they always drunk, then?

3) She suddenly discovers she is korean Godzilla. And Sudeikis is korean Megazord.

4) When they are drunk, they like to go to the park, turn into Godzilla and Megazord and KILL koreans.

5) Is being drunk a reason, or an excuse, to mass murder south koreans?

6) I missed the part when Sudeikis' character starts turning evil... I mean, that's a good guy, gave Hathaway a job, knows her since always and BAM! Evil. "I'll drink and kill. Because I hate myself and want to kill korean people. Now."

7) "So you hate yourself, now I hate you too because you've always been evil (I forgot you were, but now I remember, you are so evil, a bad boy who hates himself, bad, bad) and I WILL KILL YOU! I will swap places with Godzilla, kill you, and live in South Korea, where a girl with a bad accent knows I speak English and starts speaking English with me for no reason!"

8) The end.

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