Review of Cristela

Cristela (2014–2015)
Cristela is the least funny person in whole show (besides Josh of course)!
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For a show that is written by her, Cristela should have written funnier stuff for herself, but unfortunately, even tho I found her somewhat funny when I saw her BEFORE I saw her sitcom, I didn't find her hardly funny at all IN her show! The parts in the actual lawyers office are just painful to watch, and NOT because of the stereotypes, but because none of it is even remotely funny except for the part of the one episode where Felix and Alberto put in Trent's floor! Since most of the stuff on TV is crap these days, and I'm SO tired of vampires, the supernatural, and those kind of shows and am frustrated with how little comedy there is that doesn't rely on swearing and sex and shock factor, there isn't a lot left to watch!! I started watching this show back in 2014 but didn't see every episode when it was on TV and just now found it on Netflix so I am watching the ones I missed. I am only giving it a go again because I LOVE Gabriel and the scenes with the mom and the ones at the house are somewhat amusing and it is something to pass the time when I've already watched most of the stuff that is decent to watch and keeps my attention. I've seen the post that she blogged after she got canceled and it amazes me how much she didn't realize that people would not find all the stereotypes that she droned into EVERY second of EVERY scene that funny in this day and age! The show could have been way funnier given SOME of the actors in it, but Josh is extremely unfunny, the Maddie stereotype has just been done SO many times that it is just tiresome to watch as is the whole Trent character! But like I said, there is SO much $&@# on TV that I don't want to fill my head with that I'm relegated to watching half funny shows just to get away from overt sex, over-the-top swearing and the WAY overdone supernatural *^%#! Cristela didn't seem to realize that she couldn't take her one hour stand up routine and stretch it into a sitcom because the stereotypes would get old super fast plus she isn't funny enough for her material to keep people laughing or interested for very many shows! I'm shocked that it even lasted a whole season tho I never could find it on after the first half dozen shows or so so I'm not even sure how many were even broadcast on ABC (I think it was) back in 2014/2015!! Will somebody out there PLEASE make some decent comedy shows again with ACTUALLY funny people in them!! Where are the Carol Burnetts and Tim Conways of this generation hiding?!? Can anybody put the comedy back into sitcoms?!?
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