as dated as i thought
22 August 2017
When i heard about the movie a happiness based on nostalgia got to me. My only hope was: please let this be a project of love to update the original idea of bullyparade. Instead it is a project of financial interest, before nobody cares about the bullyparade anymore. You find all the beloved characters from the TV series in the movie, what you don't find is any creativity or concept to bring them alive. What keeps you going is the enjoyable visual standard and the recognition value that milks your nostalgic sentiment . But if you brush that to the side you have some pretty old jokes, trapped in a skit format that was enjoyable in the 90s and are stretched out to fit into a movie format. Maybe you should have gone jackass style, they didn't even pretend to have a concept and just lined up chapters with no real connection. As harsh as it sounds: i wish i didn't watch the movie. At least i was able to enjoy the innocence of the TV show every now and than on YouTube. Thats spoiled now too. Please Herbig next year is your 50th birthday. How about an original project nothing adapted. "Buddy" but with balls. Please?
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