An enjoyable Victorian Blackadder special
14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout the ages Edmund Blackadders have been knaves to a man… that is until this one; he is the nicest man in all of England. He is generous to a fault, giving all of his money, not to mention Christmas presents and even his Christmas lunch to others. These others include Queen Victoria and Prince Albert who are searching for the most generous man in London to reward him. As he prepares to go to sleep he is visited by the Spirit of Christmas. This spirit compliments him on his goodness and mentions how he tries to show bad people the errors of their ways by showing them visions of their lives… he also tells Blackadder how bad his ancestors were and agrees to show him.

We then see visions of Elizabethan Blackadder and Regency Blackadder as they deviously profit from those around them. Blackadder asks who thinks would change if he were evil… in the distant future his decedent would rule the universe but if he continues to be good things will be very different. Needless to say by the morning Blackadder learns an important lesson… bad guys have all the fun! Those who know him are in for a surprise.

This is a solid one off episode of Blackadder. It was fun to see a good Blackadder for once… even if he quickly becomes the man we expect him to be. There were plenty of laughs to be had; unfortunately some of these are rather spoilt by an obtrusive laughter track. I really liked the scenes were we revisited Blackadders past and got to see old favourite characters again. The future scenes were also rather amusing as they play with some more naff sci-fi tropes. If you are a Blackadder fan this is a must see, if you haven't seen previous series this will probably still be amusing but obviously not as funny as if you know the characters.
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