Review of Quantico

Quantico (2015–2018)
Suspension of disbelief times 500...
5 August 2017
First of, the positive: I must say that the show managed to keep me guessing as to who the big bad terrorist is till the end. So kudos for the well done mystery part ...

Other than that, I'm sad to say that this is about it when it comes to praise regarding this TV series...

Many of reviewers have said it already, but here we go again:

This show doesn't feel like a serious, thrilling FBI crime show for adults, at all. It rather feels like a show dumbed down for shallow, self-indulgent and, quite frankly, stupid teenagers who'll believe anything without questioning or thinking for themselves. Hello, teenage high-school soap drama! That is the impression I got, at least. Because this TV series requires its audience to suspend disbelief anew with every single episode! And tbh, I can't anymore. It's too much. How many bloody bombs can they blow up? How many times can these supposedly ingenious, capable and talented FBI recruits make stupid & unreasonable decisions? Time and again they surprise by their horrendously idiotic decision-making. FBI finest, you say? Well, luckily I don't live in the US, I say. God. How the hell is anybody supposed to believe that this bunch of idiots managed to get recruited by the FBI? Recruits that were supposedly vetted beforehand, but nevertheless happen to have contacts to or even be terrorists? Everyone of them poses at least in some way a security threat! Or even a big one. And each and every character experiences an abundance of drama, it's not even funny anymore... Yes, of course most TV shows and movies overdo it in regards to drama in order to hold the attention of their audience. Without drama and action one would be bored to hell. The trick is to find the right amount of drama & suspense without overdoing it to a degree at which the plot loses all credibility. For example, how the hell is anybody supposed to believe that, in the event of a major threat, like multiple bombings and hundreds of casualties, the best the US (or any country for that matter) can do is to throw a bunch of half-baked FBI "agents", still wet-behind the ears, fresh out of Quantico with no experience whatsoever at said national security problem?!? Are we supposed to believe, that after some willy- nilly "training" the perfect, smartest best FBI agents are born and, on top of that, immediately get major cases? Are we supposed to believe, that these recruits (or even just the MC Alex) are highly talented and smart, if all the show ever does is confront the audience with their idiotic actions?

And don't get me started on the looks of every single character in that show. Alex, beauty queen done up to the nines including pouty lipstick-red lips, smokey eyes, perfectly styled hair and perfectly filled in eyebrows and fake lashes each and every day -- may that be right after getting up or after a highly-demanding (I assume it's supposed to be demanding at least) physical training. Let me just say: wow. She always looks like she spent 2 hours getting ready, more done-up than me when going out on a date or partying.... While Alex is not alone in that regard, she sure as hell stands out the most (and no, not in a good way). Don't get me wrong, she is a beautiful woman, if you go for that look. But bloody hell, if there ever was a miscast, she's it! She'd be much better suited, let's say, for a YouTube make-up tutorial video, for example. More believable, too. On top of that most grievous (imo) problem, she's overacting most scenes. It's simply too (way too) much.

All characters seem to be an extreme caricature of clichés that are supposed to be a diverse and intelligent group of FBI recruits. The plot is, if at least somewhat engaging in the beginning, a convoluted mess. The jumps between now (Alex trying to clear her name and finding the real terrorist) and then (training at Quantico) is (sometimes) confusing and, more importantly, disruptive. More than once did it kick me right out of the story line. Any semblance of me feeling entertained slowly but surely dwindled away. I couldn't care less about the characters, their well-being or even about the whodunit part of the plot (and that is a first for me!).

At episode 20 of season (with some skipping) 1 I finally must admit defeat. Enough is enough. Good-bye.

_________ ETA: Alright. in the end, I did give the last 2 episodes a go after all, in order to see who's supposed to be this "incredibly smart evil mastermind" is. And I have to say this resolution is rather disappointing due to the villain's flimsy motive (kind of) behind all the terrorist actions... Also, after all this waiting and guessing, it felt a bit... rushed? I don't really know. Overall this show can only be described as an embarrassing disappointment....
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