Of course, it's not really about a dog at all
28 July 2017
Of course, performance artist Laurie Anderson's film "Heart of a Dog" isn't really about a dog or dogs in general, at least that's not solely what it's about. Anderson narrates the picture, (and hers is the only voice we hear), which is a post 9/11 essay on New York, on America, on language and on loss, all of which is par for the course for Anderson who lulls you into a sense of false security with what, superficially, is the story of her beloved rat terrier, Lolabelle.

Even the slightest knowledge of Anderson's work will tell you what you're letting yourself in for, so this isn't a conventional 'film' as such but something akin to performance art on film. Indeed seeing this in a cinema almost defeats the purpose; best to see this in a gallery, sunk deep in an armchair, sipping on something cool and try to forget about 9/11 and Anderson's paranoia and fears and keep telling yourself...it's all about a dog.
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