Overboard (1978 TV Movie)
Swept Away
2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***in trying to get away from the high pressure rat race of modern city life malpractice lawyer Mitch Garrison,Cliff Robertson, and his ultra sexy wife-Watha tomato!-Lindy, Angie Dickinson,decide to get away from it all buying a luxury yacht from old sea salt skipper Dugan, Andrew Duggan, and planning to take a trip across the vast Pacific Ocean. Just south of Tahiti Lindy in trying to get the couple's pat cat "Spotty"-who does survive- inside the yacht is swept off the boat and into the Pacific Ocean with her husband Mitch who's dead drunk and fast asleep below deck. The fact that Lindy had a life persevere on that kept her from drowning was one thing but if she's not rescued in time she'll either end up dead from exposure or dehydration or inside a tiger or great white shark's stomach.

By the time a sobered up and awake Mitch realizes that Lindy is missing it's almost too late for her with Lindy drifting out to sea and in shark infested waters. It's then that the movie takes a U-turn with a number of flash backs of Mitch and Lindy's, who's mostly dressed in sexy and low cut clothes, stormy relationships in what to do with their futures. It was Lindy's attraction to the cute 30 year old beach boy and part scuba diver Jean-Paul,Lewis Van Bergen, back in Tahiti that got Mitch suspicious that they were having an affair behind his back. The fact that Mitch paid more attention to his yacht than to Lindy never entered his mind in how she felt about him.

****SPOILERS****The movie ended with Mitch finally spotting his wife Lindy flouting in the water barley alive with him throwing her a life line and trying to tug her back into his yacht before she finally goes under. By then Mitch realized that it was his selfish actions that caused her to drift away, on land as well as sea, from him.****MAJOR SPOILER****In the final minutes the film ends somewhat abruptly without us knowing if Lindy as well as Mitch actually survived their ordeal!P.S It was really the drop dead gorgeous and sexy Angie Dickinson who despite being in her mid 40's that was the hottest person in the movie making the some dozen 20 or so year old native hula dancers in it look pale as well as flat in comparison.
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