Story is sick
25 June 2017
"Wuthering Heights" is considered to be one of the best movies of all times. Technically speaking this movie is great and it definitely deserves Best Black-and-White Cinematography Oscar and all nominations for actors. Merle Oberon is fascinating. Still, I barely forced myself to the end. Not because it's boring, but because the story is atrocious. I suppose this should be a romantic drama about tragic love, but for me, tragic love is when two people who are meant for each other can not be together because of unhappy circumstances or other people's bad intentions, not because they are complete idiots. This is a morbid and sleazy story about a group of sick and sadomasochistic people, with the accent on two repulsive, selfish persons who, by their selfishness, stupidity and immaturity, destroy lives not only for themselves, but to everyone else around them, and pretty much intentionally. And after all the crap they put us through, I should feel sad for them?! The last scene should be romantic happy-sad- end?! Ew! If this movie really is faithful to the book, I can not describe how happy I am that I never read it. Two hours spent on this movie do not hurt too much, but I could not forgive myself the time spent on the book.

6/10 (4/10 for story and 8/10 for everything else)
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