The last convertible
14 June 2017
I love this mini series, I saw when it first came out. I believe I saw it once or twice since. Although I was married at the time I fell totally in love with Perry King, yes he was kind of a bad boy, but his looks his charm I couldn't get enough of him. I have the book and have read it more than once. As usually is the case the book is more detailed and the character's more developed, but I still love the mini series, it puts a face on the person. And of course you don't get the same vibes from the book you get from the film when Chris and Russ dances to "Moonlight Seranade" or when Kay makes that mean toast on New Years Eve.

For years I searched for the movie, and finally about 12-13 years ago I found someone that had it VHS tape, I gladly paid $40.00 for it, and have viewed it several times, unfortunately a few years ago my VCR ate the tape (the first one, there is 2) so now I really would like it on DVD. Anyway this movie has some of the same things I loved about the "The Big Chill" the friendship, the looking back at ones youth. I was born in 1945, so I have a bit of affinity for that period, and I do love the music from back then, just as I love the music from the sixties.
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