Outraged by the commentary
18 May 2017
Yes, yes, yes, it's a pallid remake of Beast From 20,000 Fathoms with a mixed bag of effects, but the commentary by special effects masters Dennis Murren and Phil Tippett is condescending in the extreme. Granted their focus was on the special effects - which in many cases are poor due to a low budget - but their absolute ignorance about some of the cast members was shocking. Most particularly they were sarcastically dismissive of the great Jack McGowan who's credits include "The Quiet Man" and "Lord Jim" to name just a few. They didn't even realize that he was in "The Exorcist" and in fact died while making that film. In future, Warner Brothers might be better served by including commentaries by film makers (or even fans) who are not so narrowly focused and who might contribute to one's enjoyment of the film rather than detract from it.
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