Who loves ya, baby? Not me.
13 May 2017
Call me a philistine if you like, but I don't blame the producer for trying to salvage something from this incomprehensible mess by re-editing it with some exploitative new Exorcist-style footage. Mario Bava's original version is regarded by many as a classic of surreal, dreamlike horror, but I found it a crushing bore from start to finish.

Elke Sommer stars as tourist Lisa Reiner, who, after becoming lost in a Spanish town, gets a lift from a couple passing by in their car. When the vehicle breaks down, the passengers accept the hospitality of a family in a nearby manor, while the driver tries to fix the damage. During the night Lisa has many strange encounters with the bizarre family and their even stranger butler (played by Telly Savalas, sucking on a lollipop, just like Kojak).

Since I found the tedious story very hard to follow, I won't go into any more detail than that, other than to say that I think it was a ghost story. A long, drawn out, boring ghost story with a the occasional striking visual and some nice music. Oh, and a bloody silly ending!
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