Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019)
History Made Personal
12 May 2017
Most excellent entertainment offering a wide range of pleasures for the viewer to partake in. History, adventure, love, intrigue, drama, costumes, suspense, betrayal, life, death, with very well captured living styles for back then from herding animals to making clothing and goods, weapons and their daily diet too. Interaction on a grand scale not only with their fellow tribesman but with all cultures and peoples friendly or not is realistically acted out with the end result being that the viewer is captured and held from episode to episode. Have you ever watched something so good that you wished it wouldn't end? How about you wanted more and there was none? Relax here completely for there are so many continuing sagas that have so much going on that one not only gets lost in them but if you let go entirely, you forget its being acted and directed out and have no trouble that this live history as it was and is. What greater entertainment is that? You will take a side of your choosing with the different actors and characters and learn to love and hate with them and one thing this movie dishes up well is suspense and not far behind is the second best thing they do which is to allow you to see those that have it coming get their comeuppance. In fact you cant wait but it comes in due time thus the viewer remains ready for the hook and that hook comes with satisfaction and closure. But wait, another injustice goes down and the whole tug on your emotions begins again. Well done to all actors in this movie. They wore their hearts on their sleeves and gave all they had making it extra-ordinary and exceptional. Notice too the beautiful horses of all colors and how well they perform awe natural. What they didn't spend in lavish backgrounds, thousands of extras and set pieces they more than made up for in story telling and allowing the viewer to travel along without effort. Highly recommend eating during some of these episodes as they eat meat, bread, feta cheese, porridge's, rich fresh milk and dried fruits. Have more than one snack standing by as well with a tasty drink. Great movie for sunflower seeds or pistachio nuts. Do you want to know what it was like back then and there? Start watching and prepare to be unprepared for this is not your casual viewing experience but a more intimate one. Added bonus? I learned a little Arabic and quite bit about early Islam and its practices. These people loved God and included him in everything. Humility abounds! Enjoy!
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