"Mystery" I do not think that word means what you think it means.
8 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert: This movie spoils itself.

This movie, right from the start, lets you down. It is not a mystery. In a baffling move from the film makers, the actor who plays the killer introduces himself as the actor who plays the killer. Thus spoiling itself. If this scene had not been included then this movie would have been a mystery. If it was meant to be funny, it failed. Telling us who the killer was at the start had zero pay off.

I enjoy episodes of Columbo, but never do I consider it to be in the mystery genre because you always see the murder and murderer right from the start and then the enjoyment is watching Columbo first getting onto them and then hounding them in his pleasant way while gathering whatever clues they left behind. In the case of detective Handsome, he was not really enjoyable to watch work.

Another reason I decided to watch this movie was because I thought it might be like another comedy mystery I have seen called "No Clue" starring Brent Butt. That movie was a low key comedy but not too low, and it was an actual mystery the viewer got to follow along with.

This movie is a low key comedy but too low key for my tastes. I watched this movie from start to finish hoping for a few bits that would be memorably funny. I was let down in that regard. I barely cracked a couple smirks.

The best thing I can say about "Handsome: A Netflix Mystery Movie" is I didn't hate it.
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