Review of Imperium

Imperium (I) (2016)
Radcliffe surprising
28 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Nate Foster (Daniel Radcliffe) is an empathetic nerdy FBI agent. Agent Angela Zamparo (Toni Collette) recruits him to infiltrate white supremacists suspected of importing stolen caesium. The prime target is internet radio host Dallas Wolf. Nate tries to connect through local leader Vince Sargent. He also connects with Aryan militia leader Andrew Blackwell and seemingly suburban family man Gerry Conway.

Infiltration movie can be quite intense. The oddity in this one is Radcliffe. He is not the usual muscle-bound emotional-cripple with whom these movies traffics in. He is a nerd. That's what is so interesting in the movie. It's actually fascinating that these characters don't see him coming and I buy it. I also like that Gerry Conway is actually smart and the movie has a variety of white supremacists. There are a couple of false steps later on in the movie which keeps it from going all the way to the top. Nevertheless, this is good.
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