It's Not a Matter of Politics, This Just Isn't Funny
27 March 2017
Amy Schumer: The Leather Special (2017)

1/2 (out of 4)

Amy Schumer and this Netflix special has been at the center of a controversy due to its low scores. Schumer blames certain types for not liking the film and of course this led to a political battle. Was all of that really needed?

I personally don't' care what political stands any celebrity wants to make and I'd never be shallow enough to bash their work just because I don't believe in their politics. With that said, THE LEATHER SPECIAL is just flat out awful. There's really no other way around it. It's nothing political but instead this is just an incredibly unfunny and extremely flat comedy special.

The majority of the 57-minute running time are the same type of jokes done over and over. Of course, these jokes include Schumer talking about her vagina and various body fluids as well as various poop stories. I have nothing against that type of subject matter but it's just not funny here. In fact, I honestly only laughed two times during this special and that's just not good at all.

I'm not going to judge Schumer by this one performance. I'm not sure what your typical routine is as this is the first one I've seen but I just didn't find the material to be all that funny and the delivery wasn't any better.
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