Bad sequel for a really ingenious zombie movie
5 March 2017
I really loved The Dead in Africa movie, but I don't remember much of it. I finally got to see The Dead: India and it was really bad. Perhaps the original was like that, too, but I have fond memories of it. This one is badly acted, with nothing to make me empathize with any character except the little Indian child (good job, kid!).

What I think really makes this unwatchable, though, is the editing. It seems like someone wanted to make a movie out of still photos and struggled to move and shake the disjointed images in some semblance of a narrative thread. Not only the horror and action scenes, but even the normal transitions felt like someone slapped them on, with no care on how they would look.

I really hope the Fords wake up. They vowed to never film in Africa because of their difficulties with corruption and the bad conditions there. I don't know how it was in India, but is it possible that the Africa filmed movie felt more natural because and not despite the hardships in making it?
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