Based on a real-life case.
24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
George Fowler, a bright kid planning to go to college, agrees to join a gang of crooks in order to rob a bank in St. Louis. His friend & fellow robber, Gino, is due to be sent to jail in three weeks time for an unrelated crime & plans to make this his last heist. He is also the brother of Ann, George's former girlfriend. They case the bank & make preparations to rob it. But Ann, who is emotionally unstable following her break-up with George, begins to suspect that her brother & former boyfriend are up to robbing banks & decides to secretly sabotage their efforts by writing a warning on the bank's window in lipstick. When the leader of the gang, the psychotic John Egan, finds out, he kills Ann & forces George to take a more direct role in the robbery. But the heist ends up a spectacular failure.

This crime thriller from 1959 is based on a true story about a violent bank robbery that took place in the US & stars several of the real-life participants of the incident, mainly the police officers who attended & foiled the real-life robbery. The film uses a novel approach to make the film about the lives of the robbers in the week leading up to the robbery & the dangerous complications that upended it.

But while the film has a robust formula & the actors give consistently good performances, particularly Molly McCarthy as Steve McQueen's unstable former girlfriend, the film ultimately staggers due to a lack of purpose. Most of the film consists of character-driven melodrama over the gang's priorities & Ann's fragile mental state, but this is ultimately nothing more than padding for the robbery. And when the robbery does come, it is somewhat a disappointment due to the lack of time it takes up & ends up feeling anticlimactic. If you're a fan of Steve McQueen, this might do passably well as one of the actor's early credits but as far as heist films go, it is decidedly average.
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