A nice portrait of a great in the martial arts world....even if you aren't into martial arts.
17 January 2017
While I studied karate for a few years when I was a teen, I am not in the target market for this documentary. I am not a martial arts afficiado and think it's important you know this, as it definitely has a bearing on my review and how worthwhile it is for you. I have a few friends who are nuts about the subject and one who is perennially on the US national martial arts team...now THEY would be perfect folks to watch "The Real Miyagi".

This film is a biography of Japanese-born Fumio Demura, a man reputed to be one of the greatest practitioner of martial arts in the 20th century and a guy who had a huge impact on this in the States. Additionally, he was the stunt double for Mr. Miyagi in "The Karate Kid" and the film follows his life.

Overall, this is a very interesting film--made more so since Demura is still alive and participated in making the movie. This one probably won't change your life, though it's nice hearing so many people speaking so glowingly and fondly about the man.
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