To Sir, with Love II (1996 TV Movie)
Almost as Good as the First Movie
31 December 2016
I loved the original "To Sir With Love" movie when it came out in the sixties. As Sidney Poitier is one of my favorite actors, I definitely wanted to watch this sequel when I found out yesterday that it existed. I did not expect this one to be as good as the first. However, I was pleasantly surprised for several reasons. First, Poitier kept his charm, charisma and his signature stare despite the passage of nearly 30 years. In my opinion, he is still one of the greatest actors of all time. Second, the director and producer kept the movie completely free from any subliminal political messages. It is an unfortunate fact of life that many Hollywood directors and producers cannot resist the temptation of injecting their biases into every movie they make (I don't need to specify which party is always blamed, but it starts with an R). Third, the main message of the movie was hopeful and uplifting. Overall, the movie was definitely better than I expected.
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