Weekend (II) (2011)
Stereotypical unrealistic nonsense
3 November 2016
I watched this film probably around a year ago and haven't had the desire to watch it again despite it being set in Nottingham (where I work).

The problem I have with so many gay films or portrayal of gay characters is the colour-by-numbers approach. The guys are always pretty good looking, fairly well off, drug taking, club hopping and sexually over- active.

This may be the reality for some gay men but it isn't for everyone. The amount of drinking, drugs, sex and clubbing in films like this is completely unrealistic - especially to those who don't live in big cities, frequent gay bars or sleep about.

Maybe a writer/director could attempt to create something with a sense of grounding, hard-faced reality and where the characters aren't one-dimensional, vapid and shallow or where the "plot" goes beyond their own wet dreams.

Last night I watched '4th Man Out' and whilst it still is a by-the-numbers sort of film, at least the main character felt real and relatable. He wasn't a druggie, he wasn't a gay clubber, he wasn't camp or a tart - he was a mechanic with straight male friends who enjoyed sports and just wanted to meet someone.

This film has a long way to go to come even 1% close to the likes of Shelter or Beautiful Thing.
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