Ace the Case (2016)
This mama is sold on ACE!
31 August 2016
I took my son and daughter to see the film at Lefont this past weekend. We heard that the director would be in town talking about the movie. My family took a trip to NYC last summer and my daughter BEGGED to see Matilda. Ever since she has been obsessed with Ripley Sobo. She's seen all her movies. What a resume!

I didn't know any of the actors except the two leads on the poster so I was a bit skeptical but figured let's give it a shot! The dog and the bunny looked promising and I love me some Sarandon! I've been waiting for a movie all summer that my whole family would enjoy and we found it!

Ace the Case had that old fashioned slapstick humor reminiscent of my generations Home Alone. Ripley was charming and very convincing as the little crime fighter. My son and daughter can't wait to see it again. I know we'll be getting it on i-Tunes!
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