Match Game (2016–2021)
Actually funny
21 August 2016
Was surprised by the negative reviews, so wanted to offer a counter to the nostalgic viewpoints. And just to say, I was a kid during the original show, and did see reruns here and there, but was never much of a fan. Didn't find it compelling in any noticeable way.

This version is actually very funny, and a good deal of that is because of AB as host. From my perspective, they said take your naturally quirky humor of 30 Rock, and get into the character of a cheesy game show host. It totally works, he is just funny. It has to be a hard gig, especially doing it over and over and over again over time, but right now, he is really quick witted and humorous. He has good chemistry for the role.

I actually just watched something like my fifth or sixth episode this evening... was basically smiling the whole way through. How often does that get to happen?

I am amazed how hard some the contestants and celebs make it... Some of the questions are really obvious, but get no correct matches. And yet some questions get so dumbed down, that they really aren't a challenge at all. Think the bonus round match "peanut ..."?!? I mean come on, who can possibly miss that? So yeah, I am critical in the sense that this show isn't very compelling from the perspective of having the home audience really investing themselves in the contestant outcomes, but I felt the same way from the original.

It can improve in the writing, and selection of both contestants and celebs, but really does stand out because of AB's humor in his role as host. We will see over time, but pretty darn funny stuff out of the gates.
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