A bit disappointing, but watchable
5 August 2016
I love a feel good road trip movie, or coming of age drama/comedy. I know they usually follow the same plot line, and are full of clichés, but if they nail the dialogue and the characters I don't care. I'm on board. Throw in a great (if predictable soundtrack) and I'm all over it.

Little Miss Sunshine, Chef, The Way Way Back, Kings of Summer - I love all those films, which on paper are incredibly similar to this film. Unfortunately this film was bit of let down.

As much as I love Paul Rudd, there was very little he could do with this script. It felt like Vince Vaughn doing his 20th romantic comedy playing the lovable loser. He phoned this one in.

I didn't buy the chemistry between Paul Rudd and Craig Roberts. I didn't warm to Craig Roberts either. A minor point - his mother speaks with a ridiculous clipped faux English accent whilst he has a Welsh twang. Bit odd.

The script just wasn't quite pithy enough, and as I didn't warm to the characters I found a lot of the clichés annoying. Sticking your hand out of car window and riding the air in wave... yawn. Also the soundtrack is awful. Truly, truly awful. It follows the usual road trip movies, bit of twinkly acoustic, bit of piano - no problem with that. It's just really, really poor quality. Like free demos bought off the internet. Really took me out the moment.

It's not a terrible film, I just expected a lot more from the trailer. I know road trip movies are not everyone's cup of tea. If you're a fan of this sort of thing, you'll probably find something to enjoy from it, but don't go in expecting too much. It's an OK road trip film. Check out The Way Way Back instead. Very similar feel, just down right.
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