A good Danish production
17 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
**** May contain strong spoilers ****

This is a review made by StoneDraim... and that means that if you want to read a probably different kind of review, keep reading....

This is my personal experience, my personal point of view/perspective and my personal opinion... and my opinion is just one of like 7 billions in this world.

The movies including "A Conspiracy of Faith" has a good reputation. Danish movies is low in rate in my opinion. And the trilogy is well made movies with a heavy sense within them.

The story behind the film is based on a strict faith in religion. A family (two children, two adults) is greatly active in a spiritual and religious "cult" and community. A man is coming now and then to pay his visit to the church. Two children is kidnapped and before that criminal act the police has gotten an bottle message from someone written several years earlier. As the investigation comes closer to the core, the intense hunt begins to save both the parents and the children. During the chase and the investigation, the to-be-prosecuted has some clarification in what made the prosecuted the way the prosecuted is. And, within that, a lot is taken ground inside the world of religion and a faith in a almighty God. As a criminal story following the apartment of Q, "A Conspiracy Of Faith" is getting straight to the point socially; how far will a human being go to follow the belief and faith? How (if so) dangerous can a community based on religion (and separating itself from the rest of the world) be?

Nikolaj Arcel and Jussi Adler-Olsen (the writers) has taken some interesting topics and twisted them around a little... started on a script beginning as an ordinary crime story just to evolve into a more sweltering and substantial movie, where the characters is in constant danger.

A scene in the end could have been done a lot... a lot better and intense. The prosecuted drowns a child in front of the police officer. Just the thought of the events is... so devastated. If the production team and the actors had knocked this scene up four or five steps, it could easily have been a major thing that would have made this film noticed in a great way.

Addition to the story: A human being who has been through tragic elements and/or events in life can be hold back and very "off to the world". Being focused to the inner self and dwell in anxiety. Carl Morck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) is extremely heavy minded in the beginning of this motion picture. And still, a genius in creating and finding pieces in a criminal puzzle. Just a few words here and there, and on the other hand taking in everything happening around him.

If the film were a high class production, the development of Carl Morck should have been better planned and acted to give the viewer the total (and the supposed?) realistic mental change of the same man. Too bad they missed that target.

To be clinical of the motion picture story and events, there is one innovative kill in "A Conspiracy Of Faith"; a pair of scissors into the gut. Then opening the scissors inside the gut and cutting.

Do you like Scandinavian movies? Do you like criminal films, and following the police in their work? Then, I recommend "A Conspiracy Of Faith".

Over to the movie as a product: - The production : Sadly, I have to say it like this; "to be an Scandinavian movie, it is more than good." If they would have been more in the way of perfection (in every way; camera work, sound, visuals, acting etc.) this could have hit the buzz of excellent movies. - The actors : Solid performances from Fares Fares and Nikolaj Lie Kas.The director could easily have done a better job with the entire cast as there is high potential in several actors. - Entertainment : Sitting on the edge at some times. Good criminal story with some action. - Age : 15

6,7 out of 10. (The final rate is based most on my own entertainment of the movie. Short elucidation of the rating: 7 Well made movie. Proper entertainment. 6 Nice production. Good movie.)
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