The Barn (2016)
Finally an 80's throwback worth the watch!
12 July 2016
So I have to admit that I have been following this film for a long time (years its seems like), but luckily I was able to finally see it on the big screen at it's Texas premiere at the Alamo Drafthouse last week. I won't ruin anything from the film, but I must say from the story line and trailers (which are great BTW) I assumed this film would be a straight parody of 80s horror films. But to my surprise it was not like that at all. If you're looking for straight scares, you won't find it here- as this is much more of a love letter to those retro films. Yes it certainly feels like it could have been released in 1989, but the film doesn't poke fun at the genre at all nor does it feel self aware that it is indeed a "horror film". The cast was surprisingly good for being comprised of relatively unknown actors and the characters they portrayed were very likable. The Special FX were far better than I imagined they would be and the music was killer. This film had every opportunity to go the complete "cheese" route, but it didn't. It walked that fine line of fun/silly but authentic with sometimes a serious tone in the story arc. You could tell the production team must really have a soft spot for 80s B Movies. If you love films centered around Halloween, Monsters, and Rock music... then I highly recommend you track down this flick!
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