At Least We Can All Agree The Third One Is Always The Worst
19 May 2016
If you already know your film is gonna suck, do something to change it and not just whine about it within the film!

First of all, a prequel should be what it claims to be. Preceding, previous, "what happened before". The storyline in this film diverges greatly from the canon of the original movies, in fact making some of this events impossible.

The cast is made up of brilliant actors. Unfortunately none really get to show it because animation and special effects and action have now taken over this franchise as well. There is not a single scene where Fassbender or McAvoy could have lived up to their potential. Evan Peter's was purely comic relief and his appearance just a cheap copy of his last one in Days Of Future Past.

The X-Men movies always had a wonderful depth to it, mutations being representative of any "otherness" in our society. Now this film about "false Gods" feels like American anti-Islam propaganda. Very disappointing!

And last but not least, product placement ruined what was left of the film. Hank McCoy says he made special glasses for Cyclops yet we see the big fat lettering of RAY BAN in every single shot of Scott that follows. The same goes for the scenes that advertised Coca Cola, Michelin,... it was almost as horrible as in Jurassic World.
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