Billie, Billie, Don't You Lose Your Invincibility
11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Kids…welcome to pre-social media and pre-Jean-Claude Van Damme ball- kicks.

Not only was this a perfect example of the original internet, or "word of mouth," it was the good old days. I miss getting my news and stories like this story shows.

Picture it. Phoenix. 1986. Thirty years ago. My sister introduced me to the legend. Billie Jean aka Joan of Arc. Back then, I loved whatever my sister did. So, since she loved this movie, so did I.

Funny, this movie did make a mark on me. I literally have not seen it since that year, but this reunion of sorts on BluRay had me all misty- eyed. I cannot believe how many scenes I remembered verbatim…all the way to the climax. Maybe I saw it more than a couple of times back then.

Basically, the movie is pure 80s fantasy where none of this would really happen back then and especially not today. Billie Jean's brother (and the real life brother of Supergirl actress, Helen Slater, a very, VERY young Christian Slater) gets beat up just as badly as his scooter. When Billie Jean goes to collect on the money to repair the vehicle, she almost gets sexually assaulted and the pervert gets accidentally shot. Off goes the "heroine," her posse and on goes the ahead-of-its-time Thelma & Louise, martyr trek.

Yes, this movie is totally 80s in so many ways, but it's nice to reminisce with kids that were almost my age back then. (In my defense, I was actually younger than them in 1985.) And it's nice to see how we got information back then. Kids, as well as adults, will find it "primitive," but I found it refreshing. I would much rather get ONE story from many different kids than the million that are thrown at us now. Easier to concentrate on, digest and stand behind.

As stated, it's pretty much the kiddie version of Thelma & Louise. It's not to be taken as serious as that 1991 classic…and if you don't take it serious, it's fun to watch. Especially if you grew up on it. Or in my case, saw it multiple of times the year it was released on "home video."

Oh, and always remember: Fair is Fair! *fists raised*


Final thoughts: No review of this movie would be complete without mentioning one of the greatest movie songs of all-time: Invincible by Pat Benatar. That song will live with me forever. Sure, I really did like this movie (despite all the fantasy/never-could-happen elements,) but that song will always be…well, yeah…INVINCIBLE.
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